
from green nature

moxa wellbeing

Look deep into moxa or moxibustion or aijiu , and you will

understand everything better.

悉尼 艾灸 服务 Aijiu Yomogi Artemesia Vulgarisi
쑥으로 뜸을 뜨다 もぐさ灸(もぐさきゅう)

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Native to: Temperate regions in the south Hemisphere. Origin: Australia. Status: Organic Australian Grown.

moxa products

moxa history

Moxibustion is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It achieved higher level of recognition and had more general application in ancient times than in contemporary life. As the vital historical sources, the records of unearthed literatures offered precious insights to Chinese social life pattern and medical practice in Qin and Han dynasties (221 BC–220 AD).

“Original and with an innate understanding of their customer’s needs, the team at Moxa Wellbing are always a pleasure to work with.”



中医认为,艾灸可以“透诸经而治百病”,有通经活络、行气活血、祛除寒湿、回阳救逆、防病保健等功效。 《本草纲目》言:“凡用艾叶,须用陈久者,治令细软,谓之熟艾。



Moxibustion is a form of therapy that entails the burning of mugwort leaves. This is a small, spongy herb that is believed to enhance healing with acupuncture. As such, the leaves are burnt close to the skin’s surface using a stick to apply heat.

The practice is derived from Chinese medicine. Its purpose is to strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of Qi or energy, and maintain good health. 

According to Chinese medicine, an increase in the circulation of Qi can help your body deal with a broad range of issues, including digestive problems and chronic pain.

在澳大利亚农场种植艾草,和国内合作,微信:moxabest pnone:0061405987988



艾灸按摩 上门服务,15年的经验积累,如果您的居住环境不方便做艾灸,担心烟雾,我们有专门的长车,在车内可以做上述服务。


电话 0405987988或微信 moxa咨询,艾灸按摩并不是适合所有人群,需要辨证分析。